What are the implications?
Tips for Moms:
- Jump in with the majority of digital moms and become a joiner, not a spectator. By participating in the conversation and sharing your point of view, you’ll add value while learning from other like-minded moms and feel more supported and inspired in your role as a mom.
- Take the on-line conversation off-line by checking out meetup.com to join like-minded online moms in your own neighbourhood at local gatherings.
- Get active on forums! There are a number of great Canadian Mom forums online and they’re a fantastic way to seek or share advice. Whether you’re looking for parenting tips, product advice or just need someone to listen, forums are a great way to connect.
- Cast the mom stereotypes aside and recognize that the way moms spend their leisure time has changed drastically from even ten years ago. Do your homework on your target mom consumer and don’t rely on mass marketing to do the heavy lifting beyond general product awareness.
- Given the hectic lives that moms lead today, brands need to connect with them on their time and turf. Consider where they are spending their time and how you can join in with added value.
- Given that moms are using social media to pro-actively pass along ideas and product assessments to others, consider engaging moms in product development and brand advocacy.
- Moms seek online reviews so that they can make well-informed purchasing decisions – build campaigns that allow you to work with, not against the powerful current that mom word-of-mouth creates.