Breast feeding and navigating the needs of a 3 month old while entertaining, feeding and negotiating with a 2 year old is one of the more interesting, not to mention insane, challenges I've ever taken on. Many of the "house rules" - and things I watched other mothers do while saying to myself "I'll never do that" - have completely been tossed out the window (I'm sorry for any judgement - it was sheer ignorance). Things on this list include:
- Eating in front of the TV - We now have an easy path cleared for my 2 year olds high chair to be slid across the kitchen floor to in front of the TV (conveniently located on the kitchen counter).
- Going to bed without a bath - skipping bath time isn't going to harm anyone, but bath time for my daughter and I is more about "our time". Fun time where we play and laugh and she has my complete and undivided attention (no blackberry or laptop in the bathroom!).
- Getting outside everyday - Something I try very hard to make happen as it's one of those Mind, Body and Spirit things that helps keep me sane and is equally beneficial for my daughter.
- Cookies - They are used and abused now for negotiating good behaviour and keeping her occupied while I'm focused on the lil' guy. I now have my own version of the infamous cookie monster and it's not pretty when she's banging on the cupboard yelling "Cauleiss" (that's cookies by the way).
Somehow out of all the craziness comes clarity for what's most important. Why do I worry about the things that have started to slip? Because I want to ensure that I'm doing everything possible to encourage my kids growth and development and keep them engaged in learning.
When Leapfrog approached me to be a "Leapfrog Mom" I was really excited. Not because I need to take something else on! But because I'm really interested in ways that I can introduce more learning into our day through exciting my kids interests and passions.
The role met multiple needs for me including:
The role met multiple needs for me including:
- Staying connected with my mom friends by hosting Leapfrog Playdates where we can hang out and enjoy catching up while our kids play with some of the latest and greatest Leapfrog toys.
- Connecting with my community by making a donation to a local community organization of Leapfrog toys (perfect since I'll be joining my local co-op daycare board).
- And finally, making a commitment to myself and my kids to get to know great tools and tactics that help foster their learning pre-school and on-going.
- One more thing! They have a Learning Path set-up on line for anyone to sign-up for that's really easy to follow and helps identify interests to explore as well as struggles that need attention.
Since pre-schoolers are just one focus for Leapfrog toys, as their product range covers kids 6 months through to 8 years, I decided my first Leapfrog party (notice I've re-named "play date" to party:) will be December 22nd - when schools out and moms are looking for some sanity before the insanity of family holidays. I'll follow-up with all the details about the party and how it went but I'll tell you now that it includes Mimosas - yes, I know Moms! And lot's of great toys to play and interact with - yes, I know kids too. Best part of all, the toys get to be taken home by lucky guests. All the tools for the perfect holiday (play date) party!
Should i be concerned that I'm setting a new standard for our play dates in the future??
In the mean time my 2 yr old is loving playing with "Scout" who we've programed to say her name every time we turn him on, sing songs with her name in them and talk about her favourite things (cookies and the colour green). He's quite awesome. I must admit I wasn't that keen on him at first as I like toys that fit into my decor a little better (he's bright green!) but, since his lullaby actually sent her to sleep last night, after many nights of crying, he's my new best friend:)