The Sunnybrook Foundation has created a fun contest around the launch of the new facility where the first family who gives birth when it opens, on September 12, 2010, will win all kinds of awesome prizes. Prizes include a $1,000 first year wardrobe of sleepers and play-wear from Snugabye, a $500 gift certificate at Babies "R" Us, diapers for a year and more - just what you need to help with the cost of a newbie!
At the press conference I spoke about my experience having my two babies - Kate 2yrs old and Jack 3 months old - at Sunnybrook's downtown facility (Women's College Hospital). I talked about how amazing the staff were - so knowledgeable, compassionate and supportive. The staff are really so deserving of this incredible first class facility. AND I've got to say that I'm so jealous of the women and families who will get to experience giving birth at the new location. The rooms are so large. Many of the suites have jet spa-like tubs in the bathrooms (which are also larger than the average hotel bathroom!). Furthermore, women with uncomplicated births get to stay in the same suite that they deliver in. You can tell that they consulted with numerous Moms in order to nail all the right features!
So get busy ladies - you need to conceive this week in order to be in the running to have the first baby born at Sunnybrook!
Full contest details