Monday, June 7, 2010

Finally A Green Diaper with No Compromises - And Oh So Soft!

Early on in my first pregnancy I became very passionate about learning ways I could improve my environmental footprint and changes I could make to ensure a healthier environment for my baby-to-be.  Some of the changes I made included:

  • Getting rid of all chemical cleaning supplies at home
  • Purchasing organic produce, dairy and meat and many other food produce
  • Cooking fresh food more often and reducing processed and fried food
  • Making a “no shoes in the house” rule – did you know this is a major contributor to toxic chemicals in the house?
  • I also purchased all natural and organic diaper creams, wipes and baby body creams
Surprisingly enough I didn’t get on the green diaper train right away.  It wasn’t for lack of thought - or even trial.  However, at the time, there wasn’t a whole lot of brands in this space and the couple that I tried I didn’t like.  One brand had an overlay large back panel which made the diaper really bulky and just didn’t fit my XS little girl.  The other felt particularly rough on the outside, which I also didn’t like.   So, up until the more recent introduction of Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers (and one baby later), I stuck with tried and trusted Huggies Little Movers.  I was making my usual diaper purchase and noticed the new line of diapers and decided to give them a try.

Almost as soon as I opened the eco-friendly packaging and felt how soft the diaper was I knew I’d found my new brand!  The diapers were unlike either of the other two “green brands” I’d previously tired.  The first thing I noticed was the soft texture.  Softer than any diaper I’d come into contact with previously – green or not! The diapers are also fragrance free and therefore lacked the perfume smell that so many diapers have.  I’m guessing it’s the aloe and Vitamin E that contribute to the soft inside texture.  The outside is made with organic cotton and the inner liner includes renewable materials.  To be honest, I could do without Tiger and Poo imagery if that would reduce ink completely – maybe something Huggies would consider in the future?    

My 2 ½ year old daughter (now toilet trained, but still needs a diaper at night) and my 8 month old boy are in the same size diaper, so I only need to buy one brand and one size and I’m done!  The only snag is you can’t find Pure and Natural diapers in all grocery stores, as I guess they want to push their own brand of green diapers.  I’ve had no problem finding them at Shoppers Drug Mart and then I get the bonus of optimum points - so I pick them up when I’m stocking up on other staples there.

Not a regular product reviewer, I met some folks at Kimberly-Clark recently and raved about my love for Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers.  They asked if I would share my insights with other moms and as a thank you, they gave me some Pure and Natural diapers as well as some Little Swimmers for the hot summer months!